Blog Post

Let me introduce you to AudioStation Steroids

Summer is almost over, colder days are coming and spending a few more time in front the screen developing at home looks far more logical than months ago.

My first no-beach Sunday gave me time to finish and publish Audio Station Steroids, mi first Google Chrome Extension.

I have been using this extension for months because I wanted to keep my updated with the music I listen through my DiskStation but it hasn't had a good looking until Nuria helped me with the fantastic icon she designed to me.

I've started this project because I really wanted to have real project where to put into practice the theory I have been learning and reading about the new wave of JavaScript that it has appeared recently with libraries such as backbone.js, underscore.js, express.js, node.js, mocha.js, etc. Along the way I got some more knowledge, for example getting to know how to develop Google Chrome Extensions or how to manage PaaS options like OpenShift or AppFog ( which finally I choose in this case ).

So I could say that I wanted to do something useful ( firstly to me ) and it could bring me the opportunity to learn and practice with a project built from zero. And I did it! Let me explain this a little more.

After some time using it I realize that, why not to publish it in the Chrome Web Store and let other user of and with an Synology DiskStation use it? And now you can find the extension in the Chrome Web Store.

Another thing was, it's good to learn and practice all this new technologies together in a real project so, but it is very selfish to keep all this code stored in my machine so..., why not to publish the sources in a public repository of both the Chrome Extension and the BackendEnd needed to make Scrobblings work securely? And again I also did it.

The truth is that although I am not thoroughly proud of the result of this project, I am happy enough to show it. I hope that is useful.

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